Thursday, January 17, 2008

Scholarships for African Students in China

China has an established relationship of building diplomatic ties in Africa. Like many growing financial powers, China has an interest in promoting education on a world-wide scale. As the economy of friendly nations grows, so does the economy of their trading partners. As one of the world's largest exporters, China is always looking for ways to build new markets and strengthen international friendships, and these scholarships have been a great part of that strategy.

A new day has come: China and Africa

Is America falling behind in global financial aid and international scholarships? Lately, it has become more difficult for foreign students to enter America on education Visas. Since the economy is global now, America runs the risk of isolating itself from other developing countries. Thanks to more scholarships than ever, America's competitors will be better educated and more financially stable than they have been in the past. This means America should be offering more scholarships and encouraging more students to come to America for college. Unfortunately, we seem to have the exact opposite going on!

In keeping with this theme, check out some of these other great scholarships for study in China. In the future, I will also be adding links to scholarship programs for Chinese students who want to travel abroad.

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